GLIDE n=B0 TC-2010-000108-PAK
CHF 192,872 (USD 166,717 or EUR 139,717) has been allocated from the International Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to support the Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) in delivering immediate assistance to 7,000 people (1,000 families). Unearmarked funds to repay DREF are encouraged.
Summary: Tropical Cyclone PHET in the Arabian Sea hit the Oman coast on 4 June. The cyclone hit the areas of Thatta and Bhanbor (Sindh) on 6 June 2010. It missed the coastal areas of Karachi. Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS), with the provincial disaster management authority (PDMA), has immediately responded. The PRCS response and logistics teams have reached the affected areas in Sindh and are engaged in emergency evacuations, rapid assessment and relief provision. On an urgent request from local authorities, PRCS has been establishing a relief camp in Badin. Over the last 24 hours, the coastal areas of Baluchistan received heavy to very heavy rain fall accompanied with strong gusty winds. More rains with strong gusty winds are expected to hit the coastal areas of Baluchistan and Sindh over the following 36 hours.
According to local media, more than 7,000 people have been evacuated from different areas of Badin district (Sindh). The coastal areas of Sindh and Karachi city are also receiving torrent rainfall, flooding the low lying areas. To date, 4,900 people have been registered in 15 camps in Badin and 14,403 people have been evacuated from Thatta. Ten deaths have been reported in Karachi and numerous people injured.
Preliminary reports from Baluchistan indicate that a large number of people may have been affected in the districts of Gawadar and Lasbela. The figures will be further confirmed through field assessments. The PRCS disaster management cells in Baluchistan and Sindh are coordinating with local governments for every possible support in evacuation and establishment of relief camps.. The PRCS assessment teams are being deployed to the affected areas in Baluchistan to determine the extent of damage and the needs of the population.
PRCS plans to provide immediate assistance to at least 7,000 people (1,000 families) in the affected Sindh and Baluchistan provinces through relief distribution (food and non-food items, including emergency shelter) and emergency water and sanitation services through this DREF operation. The national society is conducting assessments in coordination with the national disaster management authority (NDMA) and other stakeholders and, based on the results, will further determine the scale of its response operation.
The current operation is expected to be implemented over three months, and will therefore be completed by 7 September 2010; a Final Report will be made available three months after the end of the operation (by 7 December 2010).